Eligibility Requirements

The Jack Brockhoff Foundation has a number of eligibility requirements which are outlined below. If you have any queries regarding these please contact the Foundation staff at foundation@jackbrockhoff.org.au or 9006 1765.

Tax Status

Please note that the Foundation can only consider applications from organisations that are registered by the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission and endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR1) by the Australian Taxation Office.

Check your organisation's DGR1 status here.

Check your organisation's ACNC registration here.

If your organisation is not registered with the ACNC and endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient 1, it is not eligible to apply to The Jack Brockhoff Foundation, unless your organisation is a Victorian Public Hospital or a Special School.

If your organisation is a Victorian Public Hospital or a Victorian Special School, please contact the office to discuss eligibility.


In general, the Foundation will not fund the following:

  • A project designed to benefit a single person or individual family
  • Programs undertaken outside of Victoria
  • Programs which duplicate existing Government programs
  • Capital works on land not owned by the applicant organisation
  • Vehicles, including buses, trucks, vans, etc.
  • Funding of an operating deficit
  • General fund raising campaigns or special events
  • Annual appeals
  • Programs / projects offered for the exclusive benefit of a religious or political group
  • General contributions to the corpus of another grant making organisation